Friday, August 9, 2024

Surrogacy for Gay Couples


What is Surrogacy?

Surrogacy is a treatment that allows a woman to carry and give birth to a child for another couple or individual, these couple and individuals are also referred to as intended parents. Intended parents are unable to conceive and deliver a child on their own and hence, they opt for the treatment. 

Nowadays clinics perform gestational surrogacy, which results in no biological relation between a surrogate and the child. This surrogacy is safe in terms of its legalities and prenatal rights. Gestational surrogacy is safe while having full custody of the child in the hands of the intended parents. 

Surrogacy for Gay Couples

Surrogacy for Gay Couples is a revolutionary step taken by various countries considering gay parental rights. Earlier, only heterosexual couples were allowed to choose the surrogacy treatment but with the realization of Gay rights, many countries, states, and centers legalized the surrogacy treatment for same-sex couples. Gay surrogacy or same-sex surrogacy refers to the process of medical treatment, where these couples can conceive their pregnancy by taking the help of the surrogate mother. A surrogate will help them conceive their child on behalf of them in her womb for the term. And once the child is born, the child belongs to the intended parents. 

Surrogacy Laws for Gay Couples

Four-Party Agreement: Before starting the treatment it becomes necessary for all the parties to sign the agreement. The agreement protects the rights of the Intended Parents, the surrogate, the agency, and the clinic. 

License: Countries that allow for surrogacy have allowed only licensed clinics to perform the treatment and it becomes necessary to hire an agency that has tie-ups with licensed surrogacy clinics. Global Star Surrogacy Commercial Agency is one of those surrogacy agencies that has tie-ups with top and licensed clinics.

Protection of Intended Parents: Countries that allow for the surrogacy procedure have developed laws to protect the rights of the intended parents. According to the law, after the birth of the child, the custody of the child is given to the intended parents.

Medical Testing and Screening: These laws also state that the surrogate has to go through medical testing and screening to evaluate the mental and physical condition of the surrogate and her compatibility to conceive a child. 

Post Birth: After the birth of the child, the child's custody has to be transferred to the intended parents, the birth certificate of the child has to be issued, and the passport and citizenship of the child have to be issued. In the case of international intended parents, the child's citizenship is issued based on the intended parent’s home country.

Process of Surrogacy

Consultation: Before commencing with the treatment, the intended parents must consult an expert. Professional advice and assistance will help you better understand the treatment and the procedure that has to be carried out. Global Star Surrogacy is one of the agencies that will provide you the free consultation for the treatment. This assistance will be provided by professional consultant Rekha Suresh, who has 16+ years of experience in the field, you can avail of this free consultation by sending an email to

Clinical Assessment: After the consultation, you will be requested to provide your medical history, tests you have been through, and your geographical location and if necessary you will be asked to provide further detail related to your other medical records. Based on the details provided by you, the agency will find the best clinics at the possible location. The location of the clinic will be decided by the agency itself as they will find the country, state, or region where surrogacy for gay couples is allowed. The agency will also help you by accommodating traveling and other facilities for you.

Report evaluation and Medical assistance: The Agency will forward your medical and test reports to the chosen clinic for evaluation, based on which the clinic will decide what treatment is suitable for you. This outline also includes the cost of the procedure, the compensation for the surrogate, and other legal formalities.

Clinic Visit: The next step involves the clinic visit, here you can choose to visit the clinic and the clinic will guide you through further medical assessment. Here surrogate’s screening is conducted and your samples are collected by the clinic to move with the pregnancy process.

Regular Communication: Once the pregnancy is successful the agency will provide you with regular updates, this update will be regarding the pregnancy's progress. This will also help you and the agency to build up the trust. 

Child Handover: Once the child is born, the agency will help you with further legal assessments. This might include the birth certificate and the passport for the child and various other legal and medical assistance. And you can take your child home hassle-free.

Cost of surrogacy 

The cost of surrogacy differs from country to country, state to state, depending upon various factors. In some places the cost of surrogacy is expensive and some places offer affordable surrogacy. It also depends on the surrogacy program that you select. For example, Surrogacy cost in USA starts from $80000 onwards while surrogacy costs in Argentina and Colombia are comparatively lower than the surrogacy cost in  USA. Types of treatments like Guaranteed surrogacy programs, surrogacy through donor’s samples, surrogacy for HIV +ve, and surrogacy with 2 surrogate mothers, all decide the cost of surrogacy. 

Countries that allow surrogacy for gay couples:

Gay Surrogacy in USA is legal

Gay Surrogacy in Argentina is legal

Gay Surrogacy in Colombia is legal

Agency for Gay Surrogacy:

Global Star Surrogacy Agency is one of the leading commercial surrogacy agencies globally, it has its roots spread over 70+ countries with the top surrogacy clinics. It has a dedicated team of experts who are 24x7 available in the service to help the intended parents in their soon-to-be-parents journey. Global Star has helped to conceive 2800+ newborns and filled many houses with the blessings of the child. Rekha Suresh is one of the professionals and the consultant of Global Star agency, she has 16+ years of experience and still helping, supporting, and guiding many intended parents through her expertise. Rekha will provide you with free consultations and guide you through the process.

For free consultation send an email to

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